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벨, 너의 정원은/ Bell, Your garden is full in May

라포엠(bluenamok) 2016. 2. 19. 12:22





벨, 너의 정원은-오월의 정원                                        Bell, Your garden is full in May


                       임현숙(Grace Lim)                                                Translated by Lotus Chung




벨, 너의 정원은                                                  Bell, Your garden is a shelter

길 잃은 별이 머물다 가고                                     Stars rest there when they lose their way

새벽이슬 알알이 꿈이 영그는                                Dreaming grain by grain with dewdrops at dawn

요정의 나라                                                       Like a fairyland


라벤더 향기에                                                    Fragrance  of lavender

거친 바람도 숨을 고르고                                      Breathing  in harsh winds

오월 햇살이                                                       A May  sunshine

사과꽃에 하얗게 미끄러지는 곳                             Sunshine sparkles on the apple flowers

값없이 행복을 누릴 수 있는                                  Enjoying Happiness without cost

평화로운 안식처                                                 A peaceful shelter


친구여                                                              Dear friend

거친 손이 자랑스러운 오늘                                   Today I am so proud of your rough hands

모란꽃 붉은 꽃봉오리에                                       Red peony blossoms in bud

포도주를 가득 채워                                             Blossoms full of wine

축배를 들자                                                       Let’s toast


아름다운 너의 정원을 위하여!                               To your beautiful garden!